
Web support

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Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ. Great plugin. Do you have in mind add web support?

I believe there would be some limits to web support due to the security model. The plugin could hypothetically only read the audio data from audio files originating from the same server or otherwise where permitted by CORS rules.

But you can also consider a server-side solution, since this plugin is designed to produce data in a format that is compatible with audiowaveform which you could build a web service out of.

@ryanheise on this, yes we would definitely need web support, our sound files are all hosted on same server and cors should not be an issue.

In that case, yes it can be done. I have some old code somewhere where I exposed the web audio API to Dart, then it's a matter of implementing this feature over that API. It's not a priority for me, but I'll share below a helpful StackOverflow answer that describes how to use the Web Audio API:


If anyone wants to contribute a web implementation, you are welcome, but note that the implementation should follow the same algorithm I have used for the Android and iOS implementations in order to be compatible with audiowaveform.