Rendering to surface is upside down
jgarvin opened this issue · 2 comments
jgarvin commented
Describe the bug
If I render text to a surface, then render the surface to the screen, the text is flipped upside down. Happens in linux and stdweb. Possible this is a duplicate of #623, but he only mentions scale not the image being flipped.
To Reproduce
use quicksilver::{
geom::{Rectangle, Vector, Circle},
graphics::{Color, VectorFont, Image, PixelFormat, Surface},
run, Graphics, Input, Result, Settings, Window,
fn main() {
Settings {
size: Vector::new(1920.0, 1080.0),
title: "Square Example",
async fn app(window: Window, mut gfx: Graphics, mut input: Input) -> Result<()> {
// Clear the screen to a blank, white color
// Paint a blue square with a red outline in the center of our screen
// It should have a top-left of (350, 100) and a size of (150, 100)
let rect = Rectangle::new(Vector::new(350.0, 100.0), Vector::new(100.0, 100.0));
let ttf = VectorFont::load("font.ttf").await?;
let mut font = ttf.to_renderer(&gfx, 72.0)?;
gfx.fill_rect(&rect, Color::BLUE);
gfx.stroke_rect(&rect, Color::RED);
// Send the data to be drawn
dbg!("{:?}", window.size());
let mut surface = Surface::new(
Image::from_raw(&gfx, None, 512, 512, PixelFormat::RGBA)?,
// // Set the render area to the surface size
// // Draw a circle inside a rectangle
&Rectangle::new(Vector::new(350.0, 100.0), Vector::new(100.0, 100.0)),
&mut gfx,
"Hello world!\nHello Quicksilver!",
Vector::new(100.0, 100.0),
gfx.fill_circle(&Circle::new(Vector::new(400.0, 150.0), 50.0), Color::BLACK);
// Flush to the surface, which draws to the image
let image = surface.detach().expect("The image failed to detach");
gfx.draw_image(&image, Rectangle::new_sized(Vector::new(400.0, 300.0)));
Rectangle::new(Vector::new(400.0, 300.0), Vector::new(400.0, 300.0)),
loop {
while let Some(_) = input.next_event().await {}
Environment and versions (please complete the following information):
Environment: Ubuntu 19.10, Chrome Version 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Rust compiler version: rustc 1.44.0 (49cae5576 2020-06-01)
Quicksilver verison: quicksilver = "0.4.0-alpha0.5"
ryanisaacg commented
That is indeed a bug, and not a duplicate.
ryanisaacg commented
This issue came up because text is most obvious, but it turns out everything is upside-down when rendering to a Surface. Oops.