
Consistent is a small Javascript framework to enable an abstract model to be synced with the DOM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Consistent is a small Javascript framework to enable an abstract model to be synced with the DOM.


Use Consistent to create a scope, and then bind DOM nodes to it. Consistent inspects the DOM nodes (and their children) to learn how to relate them to the scope.

Consistent includes a jQuery plugin, and the examples below show this approach. Consistent does not however require jQuery and can be used easily without it.


Bind an h1 element to the key title in the scope.

<h1 data-ct="title"></h1>

Now create a scope using the jQuery plugin, and assign a value to it.

var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.title = "Consistent.js";

The h1 element will now have its body changed to "Consistent.js".

Notice that after changing properties in the scope you need to call apply to instruct Consistent to update the DOM. You can also apply changes to the scope like this, which is equivalent:

var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.$.apply(function() {
	this.title = "Consistent.js";

Or even:

$("h1").consistent().$.apply(function() {
	this.title = "Consistent.js";

Note that if a scope property is undefined, Consistent does not change the DOM.


Consistent can show and hide nodes based on the scope.

<h1 data-ct-vis="showTitle">My title</h1>

Now create a scope and set the showTitle property. Consistent will show or hide the element using a display:none style. Consistent also restores the old value of display when re-showing, in case it was set to something specifically.

var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.showTitle = true;

Often you want to use animation to show or hide elements. You can override the behaviour of showing and hiding by specifying options when you create a scope, or bind a node. See Options for more details.

var scope = $("h1").consistent({
	$: {
		show: function(dom) {
		hide: function(dom) {

You could also specify the show / hide implementation for a specific apply:

	$: {
		show: function(dom) {

Form elements

Form elements work as you would expect. Consistent updates their values.

<input type="text" name="email" />

Now create a scope and set the input element’s value.

var scope = $("input").consistent();
scope.email = "example@example.com";


You can also set attributes from the scope.

<h1 data-ct-attr-class="titleClass">Title</h1>

Now create a scope and set the heading’s class.

var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.titleClass = "large";

The h1 element will now have a class of "large" applied.


Consistent supports pluggable templating engines. The examples use Hogan. Any templating engine that provides compile(string) and render(object) methods will work.

<h1 data-ct-tmpl="Welcome to {{name}}"></h1>

Now configure Consistent to use Hogan as its templating engine, and populate the scope.

Consistent.defaultOptions.templateEngine = Hogan;
var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.name = "Consistent.js";

You can also references templates by an id, rather than writing them inline.

<h1 data-ct-tmpl-id="h1-template"></h1>

<script id="h1-template" type="text/x-hogan-template">
	Welcome to {{name}}

You can also use templates to update attributes.

<h1 data-ct-tmpl-attr-class="heading {{titleClass}}">Title</h1>

<h1 data-ct-tmpl-id-attr-class="h1-class-template">Title</h1>
<script id="h1-class-template" type="text/x-hogan-template">heading {{titleClass}}</script>

Note that Consistent will re-render the templates each time the scope is applied.

The intention of templates in Consistent is to not create lots of DOM nodes, including using looping and other template features. This is because Consistent will re-render the template each time the scope is applied, and thus recreate the DOM. If you are using templates to create a lot of DOM nodes it may be preferable to render the template outside of Consistent, and then to bind the scope to the rendered nodes.


Consistent can add event listeners to DOM nodes which call functions in the scope.

<a href="#" data-ct-bind-click="handleClick">Click me</a>

Now create a scope and provide the click handler.

var scope = $("a").consistent();
scope.handleClick = function(ev) {

The handler function is called with this as the element that received the event, as in jQuery. There is also a second argument to the function which is the scope, in case you need it.

scope.handleClick = function(ev, scope) {

Note that we don’t need to call apply as we don’t need to change the DOM. The event listeners are added when the DOM nodes are bound, you just have to make sure the handler functions are defined by the time they are needed.

Binding to DOM nodes

In the examples above we’ve specifically targeted the example nodes, this isn’t very realistic in practice. When you bind a DOM node to Consistent, all of its child nodes are bound as well. So typically you bind a container element.

<div id="container">
	<h3 data-ct="name"></h3>
	<p data-ct="body"></p>

Now bind the scope.


Often you will have multiple blocks on the page and you’ll need to have an individual scope for each of them.

<div class="container">
	<p data-ct="body"></p>
<div class="container">
	<p data-ct="body"></p>

Now bind each to a new scope.

$(".container").each(function() {
	var scope = $(this).consistent();
	scope.body = "Lorem ipsum";

Getting the scope for a DOM node

If you need to get the existing scope for a node, you can follow the exact same pattern. Calling .consistent() again will return the existing scope.

$(".container").each(function() {
	var scope = $(this).consistent();
	scope.body = "Change the body";

You can also call the Consistent.findScopeForNode(node) function, if you just want to check if there’s a scope rather than create one.

Updating the scope from the DOM

Consistent can inspect the DOM to populate the scope.

var scope = $("#container").consistent();

Note this doesn’t work for any properties that are using templates.

Watching for changes in the scope

Register a handler function to watch for changes to a particular property, or to the scope as a whole. Watch handler functions are called when apply is called on the scope, before the DOM has been updated.

scope.$.watch("title", function(key, newValue, oldValue) {
	this.shortTitle = this.title.substring(0, 10);

scope.$.watch(function(changedKeys, newScope, oldScope) {
	this.changeSummary = "The following keys were changed: " + changedKeys;

Notice that you do not need to call apply if you change the scope inside a watch handler. A watch handler may be called multiple times in a single apply if the scope is changed by other watch handlers.

It is possible for watch handlers to cause an infinite loop, if the scope does not reach a steady state. Consistent detects excessive looping through the watch handler list and throws an exception to break it. The number of loops is set in Consistent.settings.maxWatcherLoops; the default should be good enough.

Populating the scope from another object

Often you’ll receive data from an Ajax JSON response as a Javascript object. You can merge these into the scope using the merge function.

var scope = $("#item").consistent();
	success: function(data) {

Note that the merge is a shallow merge. For each key in the given object it adds it to the scope, replacing and values that are already there. If your scope has nested objects, they are replaced rather than merged.

Extracting the scope to a Javascript object

The scope contains some extra properties required for Consistent. In order to obtain a Javascript object with just the scope properties use the extract function.

var scope = $("#item").consistent();
	data: scope.$.extract()

The extract function includes properties from parent scopes. If you don’t want to include parent scopes use extractLocal instead.



If a scope property is not defined then Consistent will not change the DOM.


Nested properties

You can use nested properties in the scope.

<h1 data-ct="person.fullName"></h1>
var scope = $("h1").consistent();
scope.person = {
	fullName: "Nathanial Hornblower"

Watch handler functions will be called with the key as the nested property name, eg. person.fullName. For convenience the scope declares two functions for working with nested property names.

var nestedPropertyName = "person.fullName";
scope.$.set(nestedPropertyName, value);

If the appropriate intermediate objects don’t exist, when calling set, they are created and added to the scope for you.

Note that get will fall back to a parent scope, if there is one. See below for Parent scopes. If you don’t want to fall back to a parent scope use getLocal instead.

Parent scopes

You can create child scopes. Child scopes will look to their parent if they don’t contain a value for a given property key, in order to populate a DOM node or when looking for an event handler function. Watch handler functions added to parent scopes will also be fired for changes in child scopes.

var rootScope = $.consistent(); /* Create the root scope */
var childScope = $.consistent(rootScope); /* Create a child scope */
$("#item").consistent(childScope); /* Bind a DOM node to the child scope */

Note that we have to create the scope and then bind the DOM node, rather than doing that at the same time as we have in other examples. This is because if you pass a scope as a parameter to the form with the selector it treats that as the scope to bind to. You have to call the $.consistent function in order to create a new scope with a parent. Note that $.consistent and Consistent are the same function.

Now the following will work.

<div id="item">
	<h2 data-ct="title"></h2>
rootScope.title = "Default title";

Then if you add a title to the childScope and apply it again, it will override the title property in the parent.

Event handlers also work. Remember that event handlers receive a second argument which is the scope. This is particularly important when using parent scopes, as that argument will contain the originating scope, even if the event handler is declared in a parent scope.

<div id="item">
	<h2 data-ct="title" data-ct-bind-click="handleClick"></h2>
rootScope.handleClick = function(ev, scope) {
	// scope === childScope
	scope.title += ".";

Getting the nodes bound to a scope

If you need to get the DOM nodes that have been bound to a scope, you can either use nodes, which returns all of the DOM nodes that are bound, or roots, which only returns the DOM nodes explicitly bound – as opposed to those that were bound as they are children of the explicitly bound nodes.


Functions instead of scalars

The examples above have all involved putting scalars into the scope, except for the event binding example. You can in fact always provide a function instead of a scalar. In this case, Consistent will call the function with this set to the scope and a single argument, the DOM node being applied to. The function should then return the value to use, or return undefined to do nothing.

scope.count = function(dom) {
	// calculate a value or do some other work
	return 10;



Scope functions

All scope functions are nested inside the $ object, and therefore you call them, e.g. scope.$.apply().

  • apply([options, ] [function]) applies the scope to the DOM. If the optional options are provided they augment each node�’s options before applying. If the function argument is provided, the function is called with this set to the scope before the scope is applied.
  • applyLater([options, ] [function]) as for apply but rather than applying immediately it creates a setTimeout with a 0 time so it will be called after the current Javascript event handling finishes. The function, if supplied, is called immediately. It is safe to call this multiple times, the scope will only be applied once.
  • needsApply() returns true if the scope has been changed and needs to be applied to the DOM. Changes include properties changed in the scope or new nodes bound to the scope.
  • update() updates the scope by reading keys and values from the DOM.
  • bind(dom [, options]) binds the given DOM node to the scope. See the options section for the optional options argument.
  • merge(object) merges properties in the given object into the scope.
  • extract() returns a Javascript object containing the scope’s properties without its functionality.
  • extractLocal() as for extract but doesn’t include parent scopes.
  • nodes() returns an array of DOM nodes that are bound to this scope.
  • roots() returns an array of the DOM nodes explicitly bound to this scope, that is the nodes that were passed to the bind function.
  • parent() returns the parent scope, or null if there is no parent scope.
  • watch([key,] function) adds the given handler function as a watch function to the key, if provided, otherwise to the whole scope.
  • unwatch([key,] function) unbinds the watch function.
  • get(key) returns the value in the scope for the given key. Supports nested keys (i.e. that contain dot notation) and falls back to parent scopes.
  • getLocal(key) as for get but doesn’t include parent scopes.
  • set(key, value) sets the value in the scope for the given key. Supports nested keys.
  • options(node) returns the options object for the given node.

Consistent functions

  • Consistent([options]) returns a new scope. If the options are provided the scope is initialised with them.
  • Consistent(parentScope [, options]) returns a new scope and sets its parent scope. If the options are provided the scope is initialised with them.
  • Consistent(node) returns the scope the DOM node is bound to, or null.
  • Consistent.isScope(object) returns true if the given object is a Consistent scope.

jQuery plugin

  • $.consistent is synonymous with the Consistent function above and can be used in the same way.
  • $(selector).consistent() checks the selected elements to see if they have been bound to a scope. If they’ve all been bound to the same scope, it returns that scope. If they’ve been bound to different scopes (or some have been bound and some haven’t) this throws an exception. If they haven’t been bound to a scope a new scope is created, the elements are bound and the scope is returned.
  • $(selector).consistent(options) creates a new scope with the given options, binds the selected elements to it and returns the scope.
  • $(selector).consistent(scope [, options]) binds the selected nodes to the given scope, with the options if provided and returns the scope.

What Consistent doesn’t do

Consistent doesn’t create DOM nodes. There are great tools for creating DOM nodes, such as simply using jQuery or using a templating engine such as Mustache or Hogan (which I’ve used in the examples). You can easily create new DOM nodes and then bind a new Consistent scope to them. Note that Consistent does in fact create DOM nodes if you create them in templates; however see the templating section for advice about that.

Consistent doesn’t do any Ajax. Consistent scopes provide easy access to populate from an Ajax JSON response or to extract data for sending to a server. Look at the scope.$.merge(object) and scope.$.extract() functions.