
my personal website

Primary LanguageCSS


My personal website, built with Hugo

Screenshot of website

running locally

  1. Install hugo from Hugo
  2. Run hugo server -D to start a server at http://localhost:1313

adding content to the site

  1. Run hugo new blog/<name-of-post>.md to create a new blog post
  2. Run hugo new arcade/<name-of-post>.md to create a new arcade entry

dynamic seo images

There's a special scripts folder that I use to take care of other build stuff, like generating SEO preview images for sharing on Twitter.

The command for running this is:

cd scripts/seo-image-gen
go run main.go

This script requires all images to be 128x128 pixels, and will warn you if the size is anything else. (Rather than generating an invalid image!)

found a typo?

If you find a typo in one of my blog posts, you can find the corresponding markdown file in the content/* folder.

For example, a typo at https://rhg.dev/blog/hello-world can be found in the file ./content/blog/hello-world.md

( I'm more than happy to fix spelling errors, so PRs are welcome! )