
GohuFont question mark is upside-down

Closed this issue · 6 comments

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  • I have searched the issues for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
  • I have searched the FAQ for help
  • I have searched the Wiki for help

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior: GohuFont 14 Nerd Font Propo Regular has an upside-down question mark. This may be the case for the variants.

Expected behavior: Right-side up question mark.

Example symbols: "?"

🔧 Your Setup

  • Which font are you using (e.g. Anonymice Powerline Nerd Font Complete.ttf)?
    • GohuFont14NerdFontPropo-Regular.ttf
  • Where did you get the file from (download link, self patched, source downloaded from link...)
  • Which terminal emulator are you using (e.g. iterm2, urxvt, gnome, konsole)?
    • Alacritty. Also replicated in dmenu and other tools.
  • Are you using OS X, Linux or Windows? And which specific version or distribution?
    • Asahi Fedora Remix 40. Appears to be in the ttf itself, however, when opened with fontforge.

★ Screenshots (Optional)


It's in the 14 source already 🤔

Uni14 ok, wrong in 14

But both 11 are ok

Uni11 and 11 ok

See issue I created in your stead upstream.
Will fix it here if I find time, as upstream will most likely not change anything,
Maybe use the uni version? Why using the small uni-less version 🤔
With all the icons both fonts are almost identical in size anyhow. The non-uni version had been intended for people with not much memory I guess.

@allcontributors please add @dsvoid for bug


I've put up a pull request to add @dsvoid! 🎉

⸮ is the irony mark, isn't it? … Which is not upside-down! Isn't the Spanish question mark upside down? They appear to be

Yes, it is the spanish start-a-question-symbol ... like ¿Hablas español?

In the 11 px variant all is well:


but in the 14 px variant the upside-down one replaces the ordinary question mark, while the upside-down slot remains empty.
The reason is that both glyphs have the same name (question) in the definition file, but the mapping of outlines to codepoints is by name, so it is coincidence which goes where (on build time). That is a bug in the font definition file, where the upside down question mark's outline should have a different name, for example sMoFu or the standard inverted, so that on building there is no ambiguity.


Also noticed now that the micro symbol is missing 😒 Did not try to find the reason for that.