
install successful but Game Mode shortcut exits after black screen.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I installed waydroid using this method after a failed attempt to install using https://gist.github.com/Saren-Arterius/c5bc39199552a5c244449b0ce467d6b6

The install was successful and added the game mode shortcut but going back to Game Mode and launching it results in a black screen then exiting.

I'm running SteamOS preview 3.5.14 build 20240202.2 on LCD

The other repo you used might have remnants that is interfering with my script. If you can, try to uninstall / revert the changes you did from the other repo, and run the install script again from my repo.

Script was tested on vanilla SteamOS 3.5.7 and 3.5.14 no other scripts / tweaks installed.

That did the trick!

Uninstalled remnants of previous attempt then reinstalled using this script.