
Install Issues

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hello! I am having install issues for your script around the sudo password on my Steam Deck. I have attempted to reset the password multiple times through the user settings and it still will not let me past that prompt. I’ve tried restarting, changing the password to a four letter all lower case option, etc. to no avail. It was recommended that I open an issue here from the post I recently
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made on Reddit. I appreciate any and all help with this issue! Thank you!

just to isolate if its a sudo password issue please try this on konsole and paste screenshot of the output -

sudo ls

Hello! Here is the result of the prompt. I attempted the past three passwords I’ve changed it to, but none of them worked. I wasn’t sure if continuing to try passwords would’ve locked me out of anything, so I stopped when I got the three attempts message. I’m wondering if I was actually able to change my password all this time? I changed it via the user page and it seemed to have worked (I never got an error message). I typed a new password, it had me enter my current one, and then it closed out. The last two passwords I’ve attempted have been very simple - four letter words, all lowered cased. If there is any way to figure out/test my current password I’d appreciate it! Thank you again for all your help!


ok based on that screenshot / error message it means that your sudo password is different to what you are typing in.
script is not running here so issue is regarding sudo password only.

i would suggest try this in konsole -


it will ask to enter your current sudo password, then it will ask to change it. but it looks like you already forgot the current sudo password?

you can reset it easily you need a USB keyboard and some linux commands. i've created a guide how to reset sudo password -

i'll be closing this issue as the error is not related to the script. you need to reset your sudo password and once done run the script again provide the correct sudo password.

Hello again. I just followed the password reset instructions you provided, ran into zero difficulties/errors during that process, and I re-ran your install script. I was exceedingly careful to not mistype the new password just in case (‘deck’ all lower cased) and the script is still saying I have the incorrect password. Would attempting to uninstall/delete the files be helpful?

Please try in konsole -

sudo ls

See if you get a result.

Hello, I apologize for the delayed reply. I typed in the password I set ‘deck’ and the response sorry, try again was reached. To my understanding, I followed the prompts to reset the password correctly. I’m not sure what do with it at this point. I greatly appreciate your help with all this. Maybe I could attach a video of my completing the steps or something…