
Read-only file system when install

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Tried few times but no luck
cp: cannot create regular file '/lib/modules/6.1.52-valve9-1-neptune-61/binder_linux.ko.zst': Read-only file system

this is similar to this issue - #45

please take a look in there.

What SteamOS version are you on?
Do you have any tweaks / scripts that could be interfering with the readonly?
Manually disable the readonly and manually copy the file in there, are you still getting the error?

I will be closing this issue as this is not related to the script. Please feel free to re-open or create a new issue if you are having issues with the script.

It works after updated the steamos and without any custom application like rclone, decky and tailscale.
They shouldn't affect to disable the readonly mode but anyway thank you for your information and help !!

most probably tailscale is the culprit. Glad you got it sorted out.