
Steam Deck Waydroid Installer Error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Waydroid Error Log.txt

SteamOS 3.5.19

"ERROR: Downloaded vendor image hash doesn't match, expected: ece31f8558065bf063f0c93adb52ca8c9bce20dbde7a64237b7cd21bbcf46313
[08:58:55] See also: https://github.com/waydroid
Run 'waydroid log' for details.
Waydroid did not initialize correctly
Most probably this is due to python issue. Attach this screenshot when filing a bug report!
Output of whereis python - python: /usr/bin/python
Output of which python - /usr/bin/python
Output of python version - Python 3.11.3"
Error Screenshot

based on the error message it looks like it is a corrupted download of the image. i would suggest to run the script again.