
Error cloning Casualsnek Repo

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Retried 5 times by now, no dice

sorry it means that it is having issues cloning the repo. maybe there is a lot of traffic going on for that repo or internet connection issues. i would suggest to keep trying.

just a thought - i can probably make an improvement on the script so it retries automatically when the casualsnek repo fails.

Guessing it has to do with the new big release thats having issue with being played on native.
Thank you for your work Ryuanrudolfoba, trying again now. Bless you.

You mean the Wuthering Waves? Yes it works on Waydroid I've played it for a bit.

Yeah, unfortunately still no dice... ;_;
Well, its fine, I'll just have to put up with 3 year old phone performance until it works...

try this please i just made an update. script will now download from backup casualsnek repo if the first clone fails.

clone this repo again to get the latest version of the script and run the install. let me know how it goes.