
Error after creation

kKen94 opened this issue · 6 comments



this is my docker-compose.

And this is the error after initialization:


is this with an exisiting save file or were you trying to create a new world?

I'm trying to create new world

The server runs fine on 1st generation. When exiting it appears to corrupt the saved world which is unable to be run again.

When trying to load an existing world straight after world generation.

Can you try adding the following to your docker compose? Might be something to do with tshock not running properly without stdin (related to #14)

stdin_open: true #docker run -i
tty: true #docker run -t

that did the trick. Thanks

Can you try adding the following to your docker compose? Might be something to do with tshock not running properly without stdin (related to #14)

stdin_open: true #docker run -i tty: true #docker run -t
