
My machine-common dotfiles and scripts to setup my workstations.

Primary LanguageShell

These are my machine-common dotfiles and scripts to setup my workstations.

My steup


  • ubuntu (OS)
  • urxvt (terminal emulator)
  • zsh (shell)

"Desktop environment"

  • xmonad (tiling window manager)
  • rofi (launcher)
  • xmobar (bar)
  • stalonetray (tray)
  • i3lock (lock)
  • i3lock-fancy (lock)


  • nvim (editor)
  • tmux (terminal multiplexer)


  • pycharm (main editor)
  • sublime (spare editor)

Other shit

  • kmonad (advanced keyboard remapping util)

Installation steps

WARNING: This installs shit ton of stuff, and only MIGHT works for debian-based system (other than 22.04 ubuntu that I am using right now), there will be a high chance of seemingly bricking your system if you are unfamiliar with the changes. The .xsessionrc is a particular high risk one, you will need to recover your system by editing/removing the file with a tty (Ctrl+Alt+F3 works for me).

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryantam626/dotfiles/master/installers/bootstrap.sh | sh
git clone https://github.com/ryantam626/dotfiles.git dotfiles
cd dotfiles
# Optionally look at the `install.sh` + `installers.sh` and remove some optional stuff
# Say yes and change the default shell to zsh

# Quit zsh after changing the default shell

# Launch another shell with `zsh` and continue with ...

tmux # start tmux up once to initialise some stuff
# <Ctrl-B>+<D> to detach from tmux

# back in the `zsh` you started with do ...

# optionally start up neovim with `vim`, included bootstrap will install plugins after prompt


# Install poetry and venv manager

Known quirks

  • google-chrome is not installed, yet I use it as default browser in xmonad;
  • Some paths are hardcoded using my preferred user name in linux: ryan
  • You need to manually re-install neovim from source probably;
  • Font seems slightly messed up, missing from characters for nvim;
