
Agenix too verbose

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Hello there!

First of all, thank you for Agenix, it is a very convenient yet secure solution for password and I have been using it for more than 1 year :)

I would Agenix to be less verbose though. I don't add new secrets very often, but everytime I rebuild the system, I found my terminal flooded with decrypting '/nix/store/...' to '/run/agenix.d/*/...'. I'd like to reduce this using an option.


This specific line is the most verbose but I'd like to take it a step further.

What about creating an option called verbosity, which stands for the following behaviour:

Verbosity Explanation
0 Absolutely no message while rebuilding.
1 Just a small message like [agenix] Decrypting and binding
2 Every steps but the decrypting '/nix/store/...' to '...'
3 Everything like the current state

One last thing is maybe remove the verbosity level 3 but instead providing a diff.

I'm open, feel free to give any feedback or advice :)