
Disable permissions requests?

ZakharchenkoWork opened this issue · 2 comments

As I need only Local notifications and Rate app feature, I don't need anything else, but it still asks for contacts and GPS permissions on Android, but i realy don't need them so it will be very strange for players. Is it possible to disable those dialogs?

Uodate* I've had to unzip native-toolkit.aar, and delete all permissions from the inner manifest, and then compile it back. Thet killed request for Contacts, but i'm still having request for location permission.

Update* Adde folowing to my projects AndroidManifet.xml file, inside application tag.
<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.SkipPermissionsDialog" android:value="true" />

Now i have no unneaded permissions request on the app start, thanks to me, for helping to my self.