
Ansible playbooks to deploy the scoutapp.com agent on servers.


Installs the agent for Scout, a hosted server monitoring service, using Ansible.

This playbook deploys the Scout agent on your hosts:

Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this playblook, meaning that the playbook run on these platforms without error:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Red Hat
  • CentOS
  • Fedora

Basic Setup

Provide your account key in the "scout_account_key" variable in site.yml, then:

ansible-playbook site.yml

Or like this if you want to mention your host group on the command line:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

See hosts.sample.ini for a sample inventory file w/Scout.

Scout Roles

Scout configures monitoring by role names - these are specified via the roles variable name. You define monitoring roles in the Scout UI, then assign them in your inventory file. When a role is changed in the Scout UI, the monitoring configuration is immediately updated for all hosts with that role.

Required Varibles

Variable Description Default Value
:scout_account_key The agent requires a Scout account and the account's associated key. The key can be found in the account settings tab within the Scout UI or in the server setup instructions. The key looks like: 0mZ6BD9DR0qyZjaBLCPZZWkW3n2Wn7DV9xp5gQPs nil

Optional Variables

Variable Description Default Value
:hostname Optional hostname override for this host. nil
:display_name Optional name to display for this host within the Scout UI. nil
:log_file Optional log file location. nil
:ruby_path Optional location of the Ruby executable. nil
:environment Optional environment to group this host under in the Scout UI. nil
:roles A comma-separated list of roles for host node. Roles are defined through Scout's UI. nil
:http_proxy Optional http proxy to connect to scout through. nil
:https_proxy Optional https proxy to connect to scout through. nil


Contact Scout (support@scoutapp.com) with any questions, suggestions, bugs, etc.

Authors and License

Additions, Modifications, & Updates:

Author: Derek Haynes (support@scoutapp.com) Copyright: 2014, Scout https://github.com/scoutapp/ansible-scout


Author: Navid Paya Copyright: 2014, Navid Paya https://github.com/navidpaya/ansible-scout

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.