This is a simple Task Management Api written in .NET 7

I've used following techniques to build the solution.

  1. Maintained clean architecture
  2. Used Repository and UnitOfWork Pattern
  3. Added Unit test (thats not sufficient though)

Improvement Areas: Nothing is best in softwae engineering. There always a scope to improve. This the basic improvement areas

  1. Couldn't get a change to refactor the code.
  2. Add more validation which inserting data into the database
  3. Add more unit tests (as much as possible)
  4. Authentication/Authorization
  5. Error Looging

Here are the endpoints below

  1. Get All Tasks (GET) https://localhost:7058/Task/GetAll

  2. Find Task By Id (GET) https://localhost:7058/Task/GetById/1

  3. Delete Task By Id: (POST) https://localhost:7058/Task/Delete

  4. Create new task (POST) https://localhost:7058/Task/create

  5. Update existing task (POST) https://localhost:7058/Task/update

Sample Task Object: { Id= 0, Title = "Demo Task", Status = "Pending", Description = "Test Description", DueDate = DateTime.Now, };

How to Run the project:

  1. Please clone the repository
  2. Open it in Visual studio
  3. Make a build
  4. Change the connection string
  5. Run update-database command

------------Thank you--------------