
How to train the model on a single class?(Changes required in get_data_from_XML.py)

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These are the changes I have made:
In SSD_training.py, I changed NUM_CLASSES = 2 to include my class +background
In get_data_from_XML.py, I changed self.num_classes = 1 and _to_one_hot function as

    def _to_one_hot(self,name):
        one_hot_vector = [0] * self.num_classes
        if name == 'person':
            one_hot_vector[0] = 1
            print('unknown label: %s' %name)

        return one_hot_vector

Is it okay to encode labels, when there is only one class present? I am still training the model(No gpu, it will take time), so I am not sure if it will work. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Theoretically is equivalent. But it is recommended to use sigmoid instead of softmax because you will reduce the computation time. Let p1 be the probability of success (class = '1') and p2=1-p1 the probability of class '0'. With sigmoid activation u need to compute only p1 (so u know p2=1-p1), but with softmax u will compute p1 and p2 together (p2 is redundant) . So imo if you want to be computationally efficient, u should use the sigmoid version.