Add the possibility to enter the StartupWMClass
Soljanka opened this issue · 1 comments
OS: elementary OS 6.1 Jólnir x86_64
Pin It!: com.github.ryonakano.pinit 1.4.1
I really prefer using Pin It! over other applications like menulibre since it fits the minimalistic design of elementary OS. Yet there is one feature that I do miss: a way to add the StartupWMClass to the .deskop file.
Without the StartupWMClass applications will usually run in another instance and not use the entry I pinned to plank:
(Papers, Please does not use the entry I pinned to the dock but another instance without an icon)
This means I usually have to open the .desktop file with a text editor anyway.
(after addin the StartupWMClass; Papers, Please is not shown as running in another instance)
Proposal: another line in the "Edit Menu" for the Startup WM Class, much like in menulibre
bonus points for a picker, e.g. click on the magnifying glass and then on the application window to get the correct value
Hi thank you for your report! I'm happy that you love this app. I'll dig into and work on this in this week.