
[meta] Plans for 0.6 series

rytilahti opened this issue · 3 comments

This meta task will track the progress and tasks to do for the next major release, which aims to simplify the use of the library for downstream users and reorganize the organically grown code base to be more maintainable.

This issue will give an overview of the planned changes, which are discussed more in-depth under their corresponding issues linked below as they get written. This meta issue shall serve as a checklist for the changelog, and is open for discussions.

Repository structure

  • Motivation: all source files are currently stored in the main miio directory for historical reasons, making it messy.
  • Goal: by splitting each individual implementation (integration?) and files related to it (e.g., tests and some data files) will clean up the code base.


  • Separate integrations and their tests to their own directories under miio/integrations/<name> or miio/integrations/<type of device>/<name>. #1115
  • #1696

"Device factory"

  • Motivation: there is currently no way to construct device instances just by knowing their host and the token, making it necessary for downstreams to import the classes implementing the support and initializing it separately based on model information (or simply supporting a single implementation, like done by homeassistant's vacuum platform).
  • Goal: allow initializing device-derived objects by simply knowing their host and the token which simplifies downstream implementations.


  • Add manifest files to integrations that describe supported models (miIO.info-based and mDNS entries) #1116
  • Add facilities to access information about supported devices, and initialize implementations by using only the host and the token #1117

Common APIs

  • Motivation: adding support for devices of the same device class (e.g., vacuums) is cumbersome as there is no well-defined API among the different implementations.
  • Goal: provide device-type based base classes to make adding support for new device integrations on downstream just a matter of upgrading the python-miio.


  • Create base classes for individual device types where it makes sense to make it easier for downstreams to add support for a class of devices.
    • Need replaced partially with introspectable interfaces: #1495
  • Add model detection based on miIO.info to consolidate handling of device-specific differences inside a single integration. #1038
  • Add supported_features or similar feature flags to allow integrations specify which features is supported by the device model. This will allow moving these checks from downstream (homeassistant most prominently) to where this information belongs.
    • Need replaced partially with introspectable interfaces: #1495
  • Make available sensors introspectable (status class properties could be extended to allow defining metadata for available sensors). #1495
  • Make available actions introspectable by exposing @commands.
  • #1814

MiOT support

  • Motivation: all new devices are using miot instead of custom protocols to control devices, so it makes sense to add first class support to the library.
  • Goal: all miot supporting devices can be controlled as long as internet-connectivity is available to fetch the required schema file.


  • Create generic miot integration #1581
  • Provide consolidated information (including descriptions, icons, etc.) for standard settings and actions using a yaml metadata file: #1618
  • Add support for actions with multiple input parameters (exposed as custom services in homeassistant?): #1663
  • Add support for write-only properties (exposed as custom services in homeassistant?): #1662
  • Clean up and deprecate old miot integrations that do not provide extra functionality compared to the generic interface

Other changes

  • Clean-up constructors to use an "options" container instead of relying on separate kwarg arguments for special cases. #1156
  • #1683
  • Consolidate out-of-range input values to raise standard exceptions (e.g., ValueError instead of custom exception types) #1558
  • #1751
  • #1815

Is this project still maintained @rytilahti?

Hundreds of open issues here and dozens at the HA repo, all awaiting for this famous 0.6.0 version. Any stable release in sight already?

Can't help to notice that the 0.6.0 milestone is running for almost 3 years already.

Well, sort of, I try to fix issues that are reported, merge contributions, etc. But as I don't really have test devices and I personally use this rather seldom, it hasn't been my priority.

I did a pre-release earlier to make it easier to start porting the home assistant integration & gather some issue reports, but alas, it didn't gather much interest nor contributors.

I'm still planning to create a release at some point, hopefully by autumn, when I find enough time & motivation, but I wouldn't really want to release something that may break things for existing users, as the library is seemingly used and downloaded by many as it is.

So if you want to help, a good starting point would be by porting the current home assistant integration to use the pre-release (as there should not be that many API breaking changes). I have a separate repository for a custom integration that rewrites the whole integration to use the new APIs to support more devices, but getting it into the home assistant core will require much more effort. Any help with that is also welcome!

Clear! Thanks 😄

Is the custom_integration easy to run in parallel (or maybe on top of) the core integration?