- 4
Invalid XPM file - ivy.xpm
#81 opened by Addlai - 4
- 0
- 0
Switching between candidates causes short freezes when using company-box-mode with mode-icons-mode
#80 opened by fapdash - 0
"set-buffer-file-coding-system" to "utf-8-auto-unix" leads to "?" in the modeline
#79 opened by liar666 - 1
Different icon font, different line height?
#52 opened by liaowang11 - 2
- 4
- 3
Add icon for Rust
#58 opened by jonashelgemo - 17
Very large icons with Emacs 27
#77 opened by qhuyduong - 1
Elixir and Erlang icons in black and white
#72 opened by dcaixinha - 3
Better icons for C/C++/C#
#69 opened by ema2159 - 0
- 1
The new Flycheck icon hides information
#61 opened by var-am - 3
Invalid XPM file - ivy.xpm
#57 opened by WarFox - 1
Add icons for flycheck and smartparens
#59 opened by cprussin - 0
icon conflict with all-the-icons-dired-mode
#56 opened by 11111000000 - 2
- 4
- 7
Inconsistent icon sizes on hidpi screens
#35 opened by calliecameron - 0
Custom icons extensions
#51 opened by theldoria - 1
Icons break alignment in helm buffer list
#42 opened by tim-millar - 10
Request Projectile icon
#43 opened by eflanigan00 - 2
- 0
Beacon doesn't work with mode-icons
#41 opened by rsbowman - 5
default icon
#34 opened by djangoliv - 0
- 4
Font MFizz off by one
#37 opened by randre03 - 3
- 3
- 5
- 6
- 10
c-mode problems
#18 opened by Dickby - 2
- 1
performance problem with many minor mode
#29 opened by xcodebuild - 9
icon color
#25 opened by rhoit - 2
mode-icons not displayed in mode line
#26 opened by MaPaw - 1
wrong-type-argument sequencep
#22 opened by shanemikel - 1
mode-icons : seq error
#23 opened by nlamirault - 8
use of emoji in mode-icons
#20 opened by rhoit - 4
Which xpm-converter is used to mode-icons?
#21 opened by ReneFroger - 3
Icons not visible when opening file
#19 opened by ReneFroger - 2
Make js2-mode equal to Javascript-mode?
#16 opened by ReneFroger - 25
Use fonts when available
#4 opened by mattfidler