
Different icon font, different line height?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Using spacemacs, opening java file and spacemacs buffer changes mode line height, making powerline separator looks different. I tried mode-icons-line-height-adjust, but seems its no use.

I can't currently reproduce this, I don't use spacemacs or powerline myself, but just showing the icons doesn't change the height of the mode-line for me. Although I'm not seeing the same icon as in the screenshot for Java, perhaps this has changed since this issue was reported?

It also looks like it might not be the major-mode icon that is causing an issue, but perhaps something from the minor-modes.

I did fix an issue with icon heights recently, so I'm closing this issue in the hopes that this has been fixed at some point. Please feel free to reopen this issue if you are still running into this.