
Python implementation of the Language Server Protocol.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Language Server Protocol types code generator

This repository contains code to generate Language Server Protocol types and classes for various languages.

Code Generator usage


You will need a python environment to run the generator. Here are the steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create environment using python -m venv .venv in the root directory of this project.
  3. Activate the environment using .venv\Scripts\activate on Windows or .venv/bin/activate on Linux/Mac.
  4. Run this command to install nox: python -m pip install nox
  5. Run this command to install dependencies:
python -m pip install -r ./packages/python/requirements.txt -r ./generator/requirements.txt -r ./tests/python/requirements.txt -r ./tests/generator/requirements.txt

Command line

Clone this repository and run generator like a module.

>python -m generator --help
usage: __main__.py [-h] [--schema SCHEMA] [--model MODEL]

Generate types from LSP JSON model.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --schema SCHEMA, -s SCHEMA
                        Path to a model schema file. By default uses packaged
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        Path to a model JSON file. By default uses packaged
                        model file.
  --plugin PLUGIN, -p PLUGIN
                        Name of a builtin plugin module. By default uses all

using nox

This project uses nox as a task runner to run the code generator. You can install nox and run build_lsp session to generate code from spec available in the repo.

> python -m pip install nox
> nox --session build_lsp

You can format code, run tests, and other tasks using nox as well.

Contributing plugins

Adding a new plugin

Follow these steps to generate boiler plate code for new plugin:

  1. Create a virtual environment for python using python 3.7 and activate that environment.
    1. If you have python extension for VS Code installed then run Python: Create Environment command. Be sure to select all the requirements.txt files in the repo. This should, install all packages needed and select the environment for you.
  2. Ensure nox is installed.
    1. Run nox --list, is nox is installed oyu should see a list of available sessions. Otherwise, run python -m pip install nox from the python 3.7 environment you created above.
  3. Run nox --session create_plugin and follow the prompts to create a new plugin.


> nox --session create_plugin
nox > Running session create_plugin
nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python.exe in .nox\create_plugin
Enter the name of the plugin: java
nox > Created plugin java.
nox > Session create_plugin was successful.

Supported plugins

Language Plugin Package Notes
Python generator-plugin.python PyPI Active