
The program opens and closes immediately

Closed this issue · 21 comments

I am using the latest version and the program just opens the CMD for 1 second and closes immediately on Windows 11 latest version.

Project is fully console app!
Use cmd for run project.

Project is fully console app! Use cmd for run project.

I used the exe one from the release am I doing something wrong?

I tried the exe file on 3 different computers same result it opened and closed immediately

No. Since version it is impossible to start a project without console. Now you need to use the console to interact with the project

No. Since version it is impossible to start a project without console. Now you need to use the console to interact with the project

Sorry for my ignorance but I am not understanding what I should do.
what commands or steps I should run/do?

In the ReadMe, you said just to run the exe file

like said here and that is what I did

Like I said above when I run the exe file from the release it opens and closes immediately.

I can see for the second the CMD console with the KeyGen Ascii logo

Yes. The .exe already has all the files you need to work and you don't need to install anything. Just download the .exe and use it.

Yes. The .exe already has all the files you need to work and you don't need to install anything. Just download the .exe and use it.

But that is what I did and like I said when I am clicking the exe file it opens CMD for 1 second and then closes it immediately

Read more. There is a section on Using the Repository. Everything is already written there

Sir, I am telling you there is a bug with the exe method I downloaded the exe file from the release and double-clicked it, then it opened CMD for 1 second, and then it closed itself.

I tried the exe it 3 different computers same behavior it is not working

Run the .exe file through the cmd


Sir, I think you do not understand my English I recorded it so you would be able to see the bug


As you can see I double click the exe and it opens CMD for 1 second and then immediately closes it I tried the latest exe for the release on 3 different computers with no luck

Open cmd: Win+R, cmd
Write full path to project .exe file.
Press Enter

I did and I got an error as you can see from my taskbar I have Edge/Chrome/Firefox


Input required run-arguments

Input required run-arguments

But Sir I am running the exe what should I do?

You said
Open cmd: Win+R, cmd
Write full path to project .exe file.
Press Enter

and I did but like you saw above I get this error so again if you say something try to explain what steps I should take to solve it

Always launch like this in the future.
Or you can create a shortcut .exe file and write arguments in shortcut settings. This way you will be able to start the project as it was before, just by clicking on it

Да, вот все получилось, так и есть создал ярлык и в свойствах переименовать добавил в конце --chrome --key через пробел, спасибо.

Input required run-arguments

But Sir I am running the exe what should I do?

You said " Open cmd: Win+R, cmd Write full path to project .exe file. Press Enter "

and I did but like you saw above I get this error so again if you say something try to explain what steps I should take to solve it


Just run in cmd following command: ESET-KeyGen_v1.3.2.2_win64.exe --chrome --key


Input required run-arguments

But Sir I am running the exe what should I do?
You said " Open cmd: Win+R, cmd Write full path to project .exe file. Press Enter "
and I did but like you saw above I get this error so again if you say something try to explain what steps I should take to solve it


Just run in cmd following command: ESET-KeyGen_v1.3.2.2_win64.exe --chrome --key

Thanks you so much for explaining me what to do to fix the issue

This is the solution ESET-KeyGen_v1.3.2.2_win64.exe --chrome --key