test update error code 255, was error code 1
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the update im getting is getting a error for generate key and update the test time
main.py: error: argument --email-api: invalid choice: 'devleropmail' (choose from '1secmail', '10minutemail', 'guerrillamail', 'developermail', 'mailticking')
Error: Process completed with exit code 255.
i noticed developermail is spelt incorrect?
i had a look on the update test.yml file, line 2 has developermail spelt as devleropmail im not sure if this is the issue but i keep pushing the updates it was initial first a error code exit 1. fetching the API and now its error code 255 btw
I don't have any typos
send me a link to the file
main.py: error: argument --email-api: invalid choice: 'devleropmail' (choose from '1secmail', '10minutemail', 'guerrillamail', 'developermail', 'mailticking')
Error: Process completed with exit code 255.
this is what i get in the test update ( i cant login to the eset portal either)
line 22
@pinkyellowed I think the problem regards typos is you`ve forked @rzc0d3r
project and incorrectly spelt it in your commit.
edit....typo lol
main.py: error: argument --email-api: invalid choice: 'devleropmail' (choose from '1secmail', '10minutemail', 'guerrillamail', 'developermail', 'mailticking') Error: Process completed with exit code 255. this is what i get in the test update ( i cant login to the eset portal either) pinkyellowed@0844c1a line 22
Delete you fork, and create new fork again!
wtf thats weird, the test updated worked post edit for 2 days until yesterday, cant i edit the fork ?
что за странность, тестовое обновление работало после редактирования в течение 2 дней до вчерашнего дня, разве я не могу редактировать форк?
You can