
Unable subscribe

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hello, please help me fix this issue with subscription not working. I used your exact code and only changed the collection name, but mongol show no subscription. Thanks .

calId: 'clndr',
options: function () {
return {
events: function () {
var fc = $(this.calId);
// var fc = $('.fc');
return function (start, end, tz, callback) {
//subscribe only to specified date range
Meteor.subscribe('appointments', start.toDate(), end.toDate(), function () {
//trigger event rendering when collection is downloaded

                //find all, because we've already subscribed to a specific range
                var events = Appointments.find().map(function (it) {
                    return {
                        title: it.date.toISOString(),
                        start: it.date

Template.RenderCalendar.rendered = function () {
var calendar = $(this.calId);
//trigger event re-rendering when the collection is changed in any way
this.autorun(function () {
//2) find all, because we've already subscribed to a specific range

how ever if i use something like below, the subsription works, but i am unable to get the fullcalendar instance to be able to properly subscribe to a range using fc's start, end properties.

`events: function () {
var fc = $(this.calId);
// var fc = $('.fc');
return function (start, end, tz, callback) {
//subscribe only to specified date range
Meteor.subscribe('appointments', start.toDate(), end.toDate(), function () {
//trigger event rendering when collection is downloaded

                //find all, because we've already subscribed to a specific range
                var events = Appointments.find().map(function (it) {
                    return {
                        title: it.date.toISOString(),
                        start: it.date