
Filter not injecting data to text file logs

jonnybaik opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using a logger that logs to the console and a text file, but the filter that I add to the logger is only writing the messages to the console appender and not writing the data to the text file.

Reproducible example:

# [1] ‘0.4.3’

# Get root logger
(lg <- get_logger())
# <LoggerRoot> [info] root
# appenders:
#   console: <AppenderConsole> [all] -> console

# Function to generate some logs
panic <- function() {
  lg$info("Writing info message to log")
  lg$warn("A big fat warning for you")
  lg$error("Something bad happened!")

# Test
# INFO  [18:36:53.476] Writing info message to log 
# WARN  [18:36:53.507] A big fat warning for you 
# ERROR [18:36:53.515] Something bad happened! 

# Inject message into logs
lg$add_filter(FilterInject$new(hello = "world", foo = "bar"), name = "inject")
# INFO  [18:37:23.928] Writing info message to log {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}
# WARN  [18:37:23.932] A big fat warning for you {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}
# ERROR [18:37:23.940] Something bad happened! {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}

# Add a file appender to log to a file
tf <- tempfile()
lg$add_appender(AppenderFile$new(tf), name = "txtfile")
# INFO  [18:37:23.928] Writing info message to log {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}
# WARN  [18:37:23.932] A big fat warning for you {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}
# ERROR [18:37:23.940] Something bad happened! {foo: `bar`, hello: `world`}

# But no data injected to the text file!
# [1] "INFO  [2022-03-11 18:37:47.150] Writing info message to log"
# [2] "WARN  [2022-03-11 18:37:47.154] A big fat warning for you"  
# [3] "ERROR [2022-03-11 18:37:47.157] Something bad happened!" 

Bug (?): data is injected to the console logs but not injected to the log entries in the text file

Expected behavior: The log entries in both the console and text file contain the injected data

This is because your inject filter injects custom fields, but the text file appender by default does not display them

lg$appenders$txtfile$layout$fmt  # display the format configuration for writing to text files
lg$appenders$txtfile$layout$set_fmt("%L [%t] %m %f")
lg$info("now it works!")

See ?format.LogEvent for details.

I'm leaving this open, because actually it's kinda dumb that the text file logger ignores the custom fields by default. I should probably change that.

Thanks for the fast reply. I was tearing my hair out wondering why it wasn't working. Updating the log formatting fixes things!

I see it is explained in the formatting documentation at ?format.LogEvent and it was something that I overlooked.