- 8
88uS Conversion time:!!!
#18 opened by whatever2010 - 13
G6EJD Copyright infringement
#12 opened by G6EJD - 0
after changing the API calls to match the new ArduinoFFT 2.0.2 update my highest frequency is about 4kHz
#19 opened by Cowh3adDK - 6
analog read time 10 times slower
#17 opened by silderan - 3
ESP32 64 channels
#15 opened by jeurgenK - 2
8 Channel instead of 16
#14 opened by alwaysdamian - 0
ADC could not read most the FFT frequency
#13 opened by stanleyseow - 0
- 2
Reducing microphone interference
#9 opened by santiagopm - 1
Adding a fade/tail to the peaks
#8 opened by kosso - 2
Push button
#1 opened by frankiha