
Rename task struct to "process control block"

si-net opened this issue · 1 comments

Reading lesson number three I understand that what usually is referred to as a "process control block" (PCB) in OS design is named as a "task".
I was wondering why this name was chosen? Is this something that is also done in the linux kernel? Or was it done because it might be more natural to understand than PCB? Or am I misunderstanding what you are referring to as a task?

In my opinion it would be better named PCB, since it makes use of common OS naming and it better caputres what a "task" is. The structure itself is not really a task, it is an image of a process that should be executed.

Thanks for doing this project by the way, I find it absolutely amazing.

Since writing this comment I have learned that in Linux this concept is indeed called a task and also the task struct is used, therefore this issue can be closed.