
The boot problem with Mac and ch340G chip usb2ttl.

yangyueren opened this issue · 4 comments

I have an problem with Mac and ch340G chip usb2ttl. Could someone help me?
When I use screen /dev/cu.wchusbserial14130 115200 to connect to the original Pi OS, everything goes well. I can login and do everything.

But after I remove the kernel*.img in the boot and place the kernel8.img, as well as modify the config.txt to
kernel_old=1 disable_commandline_tags=1 enable_uart=1,
I fail to see the hello world.



Originally posted by @yangyueren in #43 (comment)

I solved this problem by modifying the config.txt:
Replace kernel_old=1 with arm_64bit=1.
This problem is caused by the newer Pi os.

The new pios also puts you in a different exception level than the older ones, I have some code to revert it to how it was before so you can follow along with the lessons related to exception levels as well: https://youtu.be/zRhMutscRL0

The new pios also puts you in a different exception level than the older ones, I have some code to revert it to how it was before so you can follow along with the lessons related to exception levels as well: https://youtu.be/zRhMutscRL0

Thanks for your quick reply. I will look into it.

when I open the putty and connect the raspberry-pi, there are Garbled codes as the picture shows.
but if put the bootcode_delay=5 in to config, using 5 seconds to open the putty and connect the raspberry-pi, it can get the right output.