
Quotes are not being handled properly

Dawidpol opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to copy a file after a build

   new WebpackShellPluginNext({
      onBuildExit: {
        scripts: [
            'cp "/path/to/src/index.js" "/path/to/dist/index.js"'
        blocking: false,
        parallel: true

When i run build it throws error /path/to/src/index.js: No such file or directory

but when i change the script to be without the qoutes:
cp /path/to/src/index.js /path/to/dist/index.js
Everything is working fine.

Is there a proper way to passing the qoutes to the command. I just need it in case there is a folder with space in the name

s00d commented

Good afternoon. You need function + execSync

import { execSync, exec } from 'child_process';
onBuildExit: {
  scripts: [
    () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      console.log('run async copy');
      execSync('cp "/path/to/src/index.js" "/path/to/dist/index.js"') // or exec + callback 
  blocking: false,
  parallel: true