This extension implements basic language features of NONMEM for Visual Studio Code.
这个扩展在Visual Studio Code实现了NONMEM的一些基础的代码语言编辑辅助功能。
- Syntax highlighting 语法高亮
- Completion (snippets) 自动补全(片段)
- Code block folding 代码块折叠
- Code Outline 代码大纲
If you expect the suggested auto-completion to appear at the top of the suggestion list, you need to make the following settings:
Search for editor.snippetSuggestions in the settings, there are four options top, bottom, inline, none four options, select top.
It is recommended that the ordering of completed content is not very appropriate, and it takes a lot of time to modify the sorting. So is temporarily abandoned for the time being.
Outline 代码大纲
Hover 悬停提示
At present, the existing syntax aids for writing NONMEM control files are too weak to provide users with a good environment for getting started, and there are no tools for Chinese annotations, so this tool is developed. Another purpose of developing this tool is to make some contribution to the community so that people have better tools to use.
The implementation of completion hints, hover hints, syntax highlighting, etc., needs to be done by traversing all enumerations, which is a time-consuming task, and you can participate and contribute your knowledge to make the tool better.
In this extended github repository, I provide two CSV files "Highlight.csv" and "snippets.csv", which can add new lines to the existing content to add content.
I can add your supplementary content directly to the corresponding JOSN file by merging it into JSON format through Excel formula.
NONMEM's perfect partner. NONMEM的绝佳好搭档。
Common function combination toolkit. 常用功能组合工具包。
WFN is a set of DOS batch command files and awk scripts to help NONMEM users be more productive. WFN是一组DOS批处理命令文件和awk脚本,可以帮助NONMEM用户提高工作效率。
- 定量药理爱好者交流群,QQ群:631729439
First-level outline 一级大纲:
begin with the "$" symbol, Line 以"$"符号开头的行
Second-level outline:二级大纲:
begin with the "; + text" symbol what text 以"$"符号开头的文本