
Example Lex/Polly/Facebook bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ESL bot

This bot helps you to learn new English words.


Serverless bot architecture

ESLBot is based on the following components:

  • Amazon Lex for voice recognition and conversational interface
  • AWS Lambda for application logic and Facebook integration
  • Amazon API Gateway for providing a REST API for Facebook integration
  • FFmpeg to prepare audio for Lex
  • Amazon Polly to generate audio from text
  • Amazon S3 to cache generated speech
  • Azure SQL database to store user profiles and progress
  • Skyeng API as the data source
  • AWS CloudFormation and Serverless framework to orchestrate provisioning of AWS environment


You can use text or voice input via Facebook messenger.

Learn intent

The bot offers a new word with definition, audio, picture, and examples. earning progress is stored in database.

Test intent

Bot offers audio definition, you need to guess a word. You have 3 attempts, after each failed attempt bot gives you a hint. Audio is created on-demand using AWS Polly (text-to-speech) and saved to S3.

Definition intent

You can ask the bot to define a word.


  • Download ffmpeg static x64 binaries, put ffmpeg to bin
  • You will need database (see ddl/*) and Facebook access details (see .env.yml.dist).
  • Deploy cloudformation/*
  • Deploy all functions with serverless deploy