
asr_calibrate possible issue

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I have been attempting to use the code and have run into a situation that throws exception
in asr_calibrate.m. I tried isolating just the code around the error into a test script to reproduce it.

Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.

Error in tests (line 32)
    H = bsxfun(@times,X(1:m,:),nbins./X(m,:));

The exception is thrown at line 371
H = bsxfun(@times,X(1:m,:),nbins./X(m,:));

Because the value of m is zero.
m is a range generated at line 368
for m = round(n*(max_width:-step_sizes(2):min_width))

In my case, I only have 2 channels and a couple of minutes of data.
Am I facing this issue due to low number of channels or have I understood this incorrectly?
