milo-example-server is Eclipse Milo OPC-UA sample server that runs on Apache Felix (OSGi). The Milo version is 0.3.3. Some properties can be specified in the file. That is the only difference from the original. The purpose is to verify the OPC-UA client function of rainy. I releases this in the form of the Eclipse plug-in project. You need Java 8 or higher.
Edit the default values for the following properties by uncommenting them as necessary.
# URI: opc.tcp://hostPort/milo
# for example) opc.tcp://
# PKCS12 or JKS or JCEKS
- start
Start milo-example-server as follows.
# cd /path/to/milo-example-server-felix/bin
# sh
-> ps
ID State Level Name
[ 0] [Active ] [ 0] System Bundle (6.0.3)
[ 1] [Active ] [ 1] bcpkix (1.62)
[ 2] [Active ] [ 1] bcprov (1.62)
[ 3] [Active ] [ 1] bsd-parser-core (0.3.4)
[ 4] [Active ] [ 1] bsd-parser-gson (0.3.4)
[ 5] [Active ] [ 1] Gson (2.8.5)
[ 6] [Active ] [ 1] Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java (26.0.0.jre)
[ 7] [Active ] [ 1] JavaBeans Activation Framework (1.2.0)
[ 8] [Active ] [ 1] jaxb-api (2.3.1)
[ 9] [Active ] [ 1] file:/home/pi/milo-example-server-felix/bundle/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.jar
[ 10] [Active ] [ 1] milo-example-server (0.3.3)
[ 11] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Buffer (4.1.38.Final)
[ 12] [Active ] [ 1] netty-channel-fsm-osgi (0.3.0)
[ 13] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Codec (4.1.38.Final)
[ 14] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Codec/HTTP (4.1.38.Final)
[ 15] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Common (4.1.38.Final)
[ 16] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Handler (4.1.38.Final)
[ 17] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Resolver (4.1.38.Final)
[ 18] [Active ] [ 1] Netty/Transport (4.1.38.Final)
[ 19] [Active ] [ 1] Apache Felix Shell Service (1.4.3)
[ 20] [Active ] [ 1] Apache Felix Shell TUI (1.4.1)
[ 21] [Active ] [ 1] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jsr305 (
[ 22] [Active ] [ 1] OSGi LogService implemented over SLF4J (1.7.26)
[ 23] [Active ] [ 1] sdk-core (0.3.4)
[ 24] [Active ] [ 1] sdk-server (0.3.4)
[ 25] [Active ] [ 1] slf4j-api (1.7.26)
[ 26] [Resolved ] [ 1] slf4j-jdk14 (1.7.26)
[ 27] [Active ] [ 1] stack-core (0.3.4)
[ 28] [Active ] [ 1] stack-server (0.3.4)
[ 29] [Active ] [ 1] strict-machine-osgi (0.1.0)
- stop
Stop milo-example-server as follows.
-> stop 0
The license file for Eclipse Milo is located below.
Please check each license for the following bundles used.
- SLF4J 1.7.26
- JSR 305 3.0.2
- Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 26.0
- Netty 4.1.38 netty-buffer-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-codec-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-codec-http-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-common-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-handler-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-resolver-4.1.38.Final.jar, netty-transport-4.1.38.Final.jar
- JAXB API 2.3.1
- JAXB Runtime 2.3.2
- JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) 1.2.0
- strict-machine-osgi 0.1
- netty-channel-fsm-osgi 0.3
- bsd-parser-core 0.3.4
- bsd-parser-gson 0.3.4
- stack-core 0.3.4
- stack-server 0.3.4
- sdk-core 0.3.4
- sdk-server 0.3.4
- Gson 2.8.5
- Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs 1.62
- Bouncy Castle Provider 1.62
- Apache Felix 6.0.3
- Apache Felix Shell 1.4.3
- Apache Felix Shell TUI 1.4.1
I would like to thank the authors of these very useful codes, and all the contributors.
See for how to use milo-example-server.