
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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action.js is a javascript framework for push state routing intended for greenfield apps.

How to use action.js to define routes for your application

routesHelper = actions(app, {
	'/'						: 'default'
, '/things'			: 'things'
, '/things/:id' : 'thing'
, '/warn'				: 'warnme'
, '/admin'      : 'admin.index'

app is your applications controller and would look like this:

// in a separate file somewhere
adminController: {
  index: function () { ... }

// in a separate file somewhere
app = {
  default: function () { ... }
, things: function () { ... }
, thing: function (id) { ... }
, warn: function () { ... }
, admin: adminController

Controllers end up quite large and complex because they handle async model loading, so Action allows the easy separation of router and controller and supports the modularization of the controller (admin.index).

actions(app, { ... }) returns a routesHelper. This object is a shadow of the app object. Each defined route has helper. If you call routeHelper.thing(143) the url is changed to /things/143 and app.thing(143) is called.