
Fix HC Registers

Closed this issue · 3 comments

sHedC commented

Some of the Registers for the HC circuits requires changing.

  • HC1: PAD Requested Temp Min = A_106
  • HC1: PAD Requested Temp Max = A_107
  • HC1: PAD Outside Min = A_102
  • HC1: PAD Outside Max = A_101
sHedC commented

HC1 Pad Cycling/ Heating? D_68 (D_66 is main DHW and HC1 and DHW are connected in this case)

sHedC commented


  • Outside Min A_108
  • Outside Max A_109
  • Requested Min A_84
  • Requested Max A_85
  • Cycling D_69
sHedC commented

Heating and Cooling circuits for HC0 are always enabled, they are used as the main circuits when HC1 to 6/ Pool and or Solar are installed, moving to the main section so they don't get disabled