
Main Cooling and Heating Curves Wrong

Closed this issue · 1 comments

sHedC commented

The Cooling and Heating Curves for the main pump are mapped to the wrong registry settings and don't update in line with the app.

Requires testing and correcting.

sHedC commented

Corrected Values:

"control_curve_heating": {
    "setpoint_a_outside": [float, "A_35"],
    "setpoint_a_requested": [float, "A_37"],
    "setpoint_b_outside": [float, "A_36"],
    "setpoint_b_requested": [float, "A_38"],
"control_curve_cooling": {
    "setpoint_a_outside": [float, "A_47"],
    "setpoint_a_requested": [float, "A_48"],
    "setpoint_b_outside": [float, "A_49"],
    "setpoint_b_requested": [float, "A_50"],

Also correct setup for Solar and Pool

"solar": {
    "enabled": [bool, "D_433"],
    "name": [Special(str, Special.FIXED), "Solar"],
    "solar_collector": [float, "A_258"],
    "water_tank1": [float, "A_259"],
    "water_tank2": [float, "A_260"],
"pool": {
    "name": [Special(str, Special.FIXED), "Pool"],
    "enabled": [bool, "D_348"],
    "on": [bool, "D_238"],
    "heating": [bool, "D_43"],
    "temp_actual": [float, "A_262"],
    "temp_requested": [float, "A_210"],