className in typescript
Kublick opened this issue · 5 comments
Seems className property its not defined, thus giving an error when used on the function.
Type '{ className: string; to: Date; digitBlockStyle: { fontSize: number; fontFamily: string; }; showLabels: false; showSeparators: true; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<FlipClockCountdownProps, "to" | "containerProps" | "labelStyle" | "digitBlockStyle" | "separatorStyle" | "dividerStyle" | "duration"> & InexactPartial<...> & InexactPartial<...>'.
Property 'className' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<FlipClockCountdownProps, "to" | "containerProps" | "labelStyle" | "digitBlockStyle" | "separatorStyle" | "dividerStyle" | "duration"> & InexactPartial<...> & InexactPartial<...>'.
Adding the prop to FlipClockCountdown would fix the issue
@Kublick FlipClockCountdownProps
extends properties from React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>
so that the className
prop should have in FlipClockCountdown
. I think the problem might come from your react version, it should be >= 16.13.0
Can you show me the code you are using FlipClockCountdown and get that error?
Here is a sandbox
The problem comes from typescript compiler, try to add this to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true