sa-lee opened this issue · 1 comments
sa-lee commented
Jun 23 - Jul 3
- Finalising coding the liminal package, main goal is to get the neighbourhood brush to work
- Finalise and record videos for the case studies
- Finalise draft of paper
Jul 6 - Jul 10
- Compile remaining publications into thesis format
- Incorporate feedback from other papers reviews
- Write discussion and conclusion sections of thesis
Jul 13 - Jul 17
- Finalise first draft of thesis
- Submit draft to supervisors for feedback
Jul 20 - Jul 31
- Respond to supervisory team’s feedback
- While waiting can continue any outstanding coding issues
- Write lay summary abstract https://www.intranet.monash/graduate-research/exams/thesis-preparation
Aug 3 - Aug 7
- Respond to feedback
- Make final edits as required
Aug 10 - Aug 14
- Finalise and submit thesis
sa-lee commented
Note to remember to write lay summary - could actually include this in the welcome / readme of this github