Broken display of options with icons
Closed this issue · 4 comments
dragomano commented
Source code
<div id="tags" name="tags"></div>
ele: "#tags",
dropboxWrapper: "body",
maxWidth: "100%",
multiple: true,
search: true,
markSearchResults: true,
showValueAsTags: true,
allowNewOption: false,
showSelectedOptionsFirst: true,
placeholder: "Select tags or add new",
noSearchResultsText: "Sorry, no matches were found",
searchPlaceholderText: "Search",
noOptionsText: "No tags yet",
clearButtonText: "Remove",
maxValues: 10,
options: [{"label":"<i class=\"fas fa-snowman\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><\/i> Cat","value":2},{"label":"<i class=\"fas fa-cheese\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><\/i> Tag","value":1}],
selectedValue: [2,1]
Did something get broken somewhere?
gnbm commented
@dragomano Seems like a regression issue while using multiple: true
and when having tags with HTML.
gnbm commented
@dragomano Opened a PR that includes a fix for this.
Can you please review it while I wait for @sa-si-dev validation?
dragomano commented
Confirm, the fix resolved this problem.
gnbm commented
Fixed in v1.0.42