Login of existing user redirect doesn't work
zArchitectBill opened this issue · 4 comments
When I login with a registered user, I get an error that /accounts/profile isn't in urls.py. The default behavior of LoginView is to redirect to that URL unless you have LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL set in settings.py. I updated mine to point to /transactions/report and now it works fine (unless the user doesn't have an account, which happens if you try to log in with a superuser account instead of one that has registered with the site)
You might want to update the master branch to include that entry in settings.py
Thanks for reporting the issue, I will try to update the codebase with the fix soon, but you are welcome to send a PR :)
createsuperuser cannot login. it says page not found. please help me out here
Hello, I noticed this issue before I could read your comments :) and I had to proceed just like you mentioned with the LIGIN_REDIRECT_URL which is the best way.