/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vncstart: line 13: syntax error near unexpected token `&' /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vncstart: line 13: ` &'
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This error is occurring when starting the server in vnc.
Here are some suggestions to fix this error:
in the termux-desktop terminal, enter this command.
nano /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/vncstart
after put these codes:
export DISPLAY=:1
case $1 in
echo "^[[1;32mType ^[[1;36mvncstart ^[[1;32mto start vncserver with gpu acceleration"^[[0m
echo "^[[1;32mType ^[[1;36mvncstart --nogpu ^[[1;32mto start vncserver without gpu acceleration"^[[0m
case $DISPLAY in
echo "Display not supported"
3.press ctrl + o, enter and ctrl + x.
4.start the server with vncstart
and see if it worked.
i will try
you get the syntax error because the hardware acceleration setup file didn't run perfectly.
there will be a line like
before MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink vncserver line
I also see this. And I feel the gpu acceleration step breaks the flow of the installer. And the instruction is a bit confusing for a new user. For example I still don' t know which to choose for my 8s gen 3 pad after reading.
I also see this. And I feel the gpu acceleration step breaks the flow of the installer. And the instruction is a bit confusing for a new user. For example I still don' t know which to choose for my 8s gen 3 pad after reading.
which gpu do you have ?
Adreno 735 according to https://nanoreview.net/en/soc/qualcomm-snapdragon-8s-gen-3
Adreno 735 according to https://nanoreview.net/en/soc/qualcomm-snapdragon-8s-gen-3
zink or virgl will work fine.
this mean you didn't the readme i added , i already show how to check your device gpu and also a performance test with different gpu drivers,
follow this :- here
Thanks. Works for me now.