
Export individual pages

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I'd like to export individual pages or a selection of pages from a notebook instead of exporting the whole notebook everytime I update it with new pages.

For example, I'd like to share today's meeting or just the last week's seminar notes with a friend from my notebook titled ::Subject:: Notes 2024.


Currently, I have to wait long till the entire notebook exports to pdf, then split it and send. I'd like it if I had the option to select pages for exporting, alongside exporting the full note.


My workaround is to patiently wait for the notebook to fully export to pdf and then extract the required pages using other apps/software. It is time consuming and not very efficient.

Saber version

v0.23.1 Google Play


  • Device: Xiaomi Pad 5
  • OS: Android 13

Anything else?

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