
Configuration in Sapi.php involved with php-fpm processes produced by playing large video files.

matsushita-shuya opened this issue · 3 comments

When I play large video files, moving seekbar of those files or loading a number of thumbnails of photos php-fpm processes stay and don't disappear. It caused php error saying "server reached php-max_children" and timeout.
This will be solved by changing a configuration if ($copied <= 0) { to if ($copied <= 0 || connection_aborted()) { in a file named Sapi.php.

Feel free to open a pull request. THX

Please check PR #207 - I think that this probably already does what you need.
That changed has been released as a bugfix patch release 5.1.7 6.0.1 and 7.0.2
Upgrade to one of those and see if your problem is fixed.

Thank you for your Replying!