There are a few options for documentation, including:
Documentation Tip Because the documentation is stored in this repo, you can use the GitHub "Go to file" feature to quickly find documentation for a type or member. Just click Go to File and type the name of the method or type and look for the markdown file. You can infer the type of documentation from the extension:
- types (classes)
- types (interfaces)
- properties
Install-Package ExpressionPowerTools.Core -Version 0.9.2-alpha
Power tools for working with IQueryable
and Expression trees. Enables enumeration of the tree, comparisons ("similar" and "equivalent") and interception to take snapshots and/or mutate expressions.
Install-Package ExpressionPowerTools.Serialization -Version 0.9.2-alpha
Power tools for writing client-side queries that can be safely serialized to run on the server.
Install-Package ExpressionPowerTools.Serialization.EFCore.AspNetCore -Version 0.9.2-alpha
Power tools for deserializing queries initiated by remote clients.
Install-Package ExpressionPowerTools.Serialization.EFCore.Http -Version 0.9.2-alpha
Power tools for running remote queries over HTTP, for example a Blazor WebAssembly client.
Internal utility to auto-generate API documentation based on comments and reflection. Directly generates markdown. Also self-documents.