
[Request] Change tab name to the name of the collection

dprice opened this issue · 3 comments

I able very pleased with CosmosDbExplorer - well done! So much better than the Azure Portal experience. I opened my instance and started viewing a few collections. I quickly realized that it was difficult to tell which collection I was viewing unless I check the data. It would be nice to give an indicator of which collection belongs to which tab. Maybe change the tab name to the collection name?

Thanks again!

I downloaded the source and found where I could change the tab title and it seemed to work, but this is my first time looking at WPF code, so I'm not sure if it's the best place:

public override async void Load(string contentId, DocumentNodeViewModel node, CosmosConnection connection, CosmosDatabase database, CosmosContainer container)
            ContentId = contentId;
            Node = node;
            Connection = connection;
            Container = container;
            PartitionKey = container.PartitionKeyPath;

            //var split = Node.Parent.Container.SelfLink.Split(new char[] { '/' });
            ToolTip = $"{Connection.Label}/{database.Id}/{Container.Id}";

			// *********************************************** HERE
            Header = Container.Id; 
			// *********************************************** HERE

            AccentColor = Connection.AccentColor;

            _cosmosDocumentService = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<CosmosDocumentService>(_serviceProvider, connection, database, container);

            await LoadDocuments(true, new CancellationToken());

Check the new setting to show/hide the collection on the tabs.

Thanks so much!