
Let's get this great package on MELPA!

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey Sacha,

Just wanted to let you know that I just successfully used this package to interface with obs-websocket (after I finally got it set up in GNU Guix) and it worked perfectly! It's really exciting to have the ability to automate OBS with simple Emacs Lisp function calls.

Would you be open to me contributing some changes to help prepare the package to be released on MELPA? I think even in its current state it's super useful and I'll be using it in my videos and streams ASAP.

I'm installing it via straight.el right now, you can see my configuration here:

Thanks a lot for kicking off this effort!

I'm glad you found it useful! Hah, it's nowhere near ready for MELPA, and I'm not entirely sure I have the attention span to maintain it at the moment. =) Maybe when things settle down? In the meantime, I'd love to hear about patches and ideas!

It turns out that being able to SetSourceSettings from Emacs Lisp code is pretty nice. I've been using my/stream-fix-sources in to update source window IDs when things change.

Do you have a nifty way to set up a panic button for delaying the stream and dumping stuff in case of sensitive content?

The "Panic Button" use of the delay feature may be harder that it seems. IIUC, this is an outstanding OBS feature request:

Not putting it in MELPA is also fine as those using straight.el can install it anyway :) I can definitely understand not wanting to add the maintenance of a new package to your life!

I don't have anything for the panic button question, luckily the need for it doesn't really come up when I'm streaming since I stream from a machine that I don't use on a regular basis. I did have a token get leaked on an earlier non-Emacs stream, so I suppose it would have been nice then :)