
This will contain all the code I write during the next 100 days

Primary LanguagePython

100 Days of Code Challenge

The goal of this project is to code everyday for 1 hour.


Make sure to write tests for each piece of code that I write. Also ensure there is continuous integration for larger projects?

(Items in bold have been completed.)

Data Structures

- **Vector(Dynamic Array)** - using [ctypes](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/implementation-of-dynamic-array-in-python/)
- **linked list**
- **stack**
- **queue**
- **hash map**
- **set**
- priority queue
- **iterators**


- **Dijikstra**
- Floyd-Warshall
- Travelling Salesman
- A\*
- **Binary search**
- **bubble/selection/insertion sort**
- **Breadth/Depth first search**

Other resources

- "https://community.topcoder.com/tc?module=MatchList"
- Cracking the Coding interview - In progress
- Code from the CS229 - i.e., logistic regression, linear regression using normal equations and gradient descent.