
Glibc version error

pataquets opened this issue · 2 comments

todoist downloaded from releases page, amd64.
When running todoist:

$ todoist
todoist: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by todoist)

I'm on Ubuntu Bionic, so I guess it's a libc issue with my OS.
As a workaround, I think that building against musl would work. I've seen it done elsewhere.

Ubuntu Bionic is way too old, it uses glibc 2.27 while the release build wants at least glibc 2.32.

Thanks, @paper42. I was guessing already that it could be indeed a glibc version issue.
I wanted to know if it's possible to provide a static/musl binary. Do you know if it's possible?
@sachaos: Also, if the Dockerfile were to build from local sources (as is common practice) it could be leveraged to produce builds for every architecture supported by Docker BuildKit, too. I can help with it, if needed.