
Thumbnails should be off by default

keerankb opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey @sachinchoolur,

Currently, my requirement is, I need to display the toggleThumb button on toolbar menu, & at the same time I don't want to display my thumbnails by default, only if I clicked on toggleThumb icon then only I should be able to see all the thumbnail images. (by default the thumbnails should be hidden, till I click on that toggleThumb icon from toolbar )

I am trying to achieve this scenario by the below configuration -

allowMediaOverlap: true,
toggleThumb: true,
thumbnail: false,

And the output I am getting is, if I set thumbnail to false, & toggleThumb to true, then neither the toggleThumb icon is visible, nor the thumbnails are visible in lg-component section.

So, Can you please explain me how I can achieve this ?

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